Squarepusher, "Damogen Furies" (Warp)


Matt Reise

Holy $#&@ this robot is pissed

We are at a breaking point, people. Electronic music was conceived in the minds of the rebellious and in the hearts of the hungry. Its purpose was experimental—to push boundaries and define what was possible while representing the fringe and supporting social individuality. But, as with everything innovative, days of inevitable breakdown threaten the disintegration of an art-form. What was once a revolutionary mode has collapsed into conservatism. DJ culture has melted the scaffold of electronica in on itself, where rave-masters produce sounds for pension over passion. This is the real reason for Damogen Furies: loss of artistic sentiment. Squarepusher‰’s newest release is an existential commentary on where electronic music is headed, and where it should be.

Damogen Furies is angry. Its brutal energy and sugar-addled synths are the frantic backbone of Squarepusher‰’s record. The chaotic emotion bottled up inside these eight songs illuminate the fear, angst, and frustration Squarepusher feels with the trajectory of his beloved musical field. Tyrannical rhythms and aggressive sounds bombard listeners‰’ ears in a furious call to action. Opener “Stor Eiglass‰” is the only remotely happy song, whose cheery synth brightens listeners‰’ moods. More to the point and more representative of the record, “Baltang Arg‰” feels like a precursor to dubstep, with less dancibility and more sheer ferociousness.

This album is frustration in its entirety.

RIYL: AFX, Gak, Aphex Twin, Autechre

Recommended: 1, 2, 4, 7